United in Silence: Talks on meditation & Live Event in May 2022

Live Event in May 2022! We conduct video interviews on meditation with representatives of various contemporary spiritual traditions. Our ambition is to bring an insight into the essence of various mystical traditions and their approach to meditation practice. 
Jan Benda

We have already interviewed a Czech psychotherapist (a former buddhist monk), a Slovak protestant preacher (a Christian mystic), and a Dutch spiritual teacher, a modern mystic influenced by various paths from Osho to advaita. The interviews will be posted on our website and published as part of our Annual Report 2021.

In May 2022, there will be a day-long event held in Prague with lectures and workshops inspired by the interviews and those we talked to. And most importantly - encouraging anybody and everybody to explore the practice of meditation.

Motto: "Silence and presence is a place where we can all meet in peace."

We want to show that the essence of meditation is the same, while the path may be different. We want to reveal the silence, calm and absolute presence contained behind all images and believes.

The videoed talks highlight why the people interviewed meditate, why and how they find it enriching, nourishing, essential... They also answer many other questions, for example about the interlink between meditation and psychotherapy, the difference between meditation and prayer, what is a satsang or what is the nature of consciousness.

Contact person

Marek Šálek

Marek Šálek

Koordinuji projekty všímavosti ve vězení, organizuji živá setkání a komunikuji s partnery nadace. Potkat mě můžete v kanceláři i v terénu u našich projektů. Mám radost z každé nové podpory, která se nám povede uskutečnit.