The Wisdom of Trauma Film: New screenings in March

Traumatization of individuals and society is an epidemy. Only very little do we speak about it. But its symptoms are everywhere around us and they shape our lives as well as the societal setup and functioning. What we see as normal is actually abnormal and often cruel and traumatizing.

We have introduced the Wisdom of Trauma film into the Czech Republic and Slovakia and we have initiated a wider discussion towards trauma informed society.

Planned cinema screenings & debates in Prague

  • Prague, Tuesday 1 March 2022, kino Světozor
  • Prague, Monday 14 March 2022, Bio Oko + debate ("trauma informed" therapists, experts, people promoting the "new paradigm")

How to view the film on-line

Please register at After a simple registration, you will be asked to make a small donation before viewing the film. To enable the Czech/English/other language subtitles, click play, then click settings bottom right, then subtitles, then Czech (or English or any other language).

Past cinema screenings & expert debates

  • Prague, 24 January 2022, kino Světozor
  • Prague, 12 January 2022, kino Přítomnost
  • Prague, 18 January 2022, Bio Oko + debate (guests: Jan Burian, Kamila Kopsová, Martin Kracík, Jakub Kabíček)
  • Prague, 24 January, kino Světozor
  • Prague, 28 September 2021, Cinema Přítomnost + debate (guests: Kamila Němečková, Kasia Korda, Filip Žitník, Šárka Weberová, Tomáš Málek, Terezie Dubinová, modarated by Tatiana Dyková)
  • Bratislava, 1 October 2021 + debate (guests: Silvie Šabacká, Vladimír Červenák and more, modarated by Adela Banašová Vinczeová, live music: Martin Maok Tesák)

Contact person

Markéta Černoušková EN

Markéta Černoušková EN

Markéta is a therapist, and in the Foundation, she manages projects, communicates with international partners and also contributes to Public Relations.