Free mental hygiene courses for health workers and parents

The Mindfulness Foundation has brought several eight-week long courses of mental and psychic hygiene for health workers and parents for free. On-line, but very interactive, they have been led by top experts. How to prevent burn-out and how not to go crazy in this rushed pandemy ridden world.

Healthcare workers and other supporting professionals (social workers, therapists, but also police officers or firefighters) as well as parents, teachers and other caretakers provide us with their aid in the moments when we need it. Lack of time, emotional and mental overburdening and stress are an inevitable part of their work.

Our help to health workers and parents

We reached back to them and helped them to fuel up life energy through several 8 weeks long mental hygiene on-line courses in 2021. The courses were based on mindfulness and were focused on acquiring and developing very practical psychohygiene habits and a long term burn-out syndrome prevention. They were designed to develop the ability of mindful self-regard and inner insight using various methods of cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness.

After the course, the improvement is supposed to be rapid in areas of mental resilience, burn-out prevention, emotion regulations, easing stress. Finding inner harmony, contentment and sufficiency of mental strengths.

The courses are financed by the Mindfulness Foundation. You may support us by a donation below. Any amount is warmly welcome.

Thank you.

Contact person

Marek Šálek

Marek Šálek

Marek is the one who keeps our main projects up and running. He also enjoys communicating with donors.